
Quincy Medical Group Foundation

The QMG Foundation  is seeking dedicated volunteer drivers for Patient Transport. 这项服务将使用ADA高尔夫球车将患者从QMG校园停车场运送到校园内的各个建筑-所有这些都是免费的.

  • 志愿者必须持有有效的驾驶执照,驾驶高尔夫球车的视力和协调性良好.
  • Volunteer driving record must meet Motor Vehicle Records standards.
    • 作为预防措施,所有志愿者都必须接受包括HIPPA在内的培训, BBP, 和个人防护装备培训. 培训将在笔记本电脑上完成,时间不超过1小时(取决于学习者). 培训是必需的, 将涵盖主题并确保理解每个主题,例如个人防护装备(PPE), bloodborne pathogen exposures (BPE), HIPAA /保密, 以及应急预案. PPE is equipment (such as gloves, 为保护佩戴者免受伤害或感染或疾病传播而设计的口罩.  血源性病原体是人类血液中的传染性微生物,可引起人类疾病.e. 艾滋病毒、肝炎).  HIPAA是一项联邦法律,旨在保护敏感的患者健康信息,防止在未经患者同意或不知情的情况下被披露.  最后, emergency situation plans include evacuation routes, how to mitigate risk to patients and the facility, 以及在特定紧急情况发生期间和之后要遵循的详细沟通程序.
  • Service will be offered Monday -Friday 8:00 AM till 4:00 PM.
  • Looking for volunteers to cover 2-4 hour shifts.

If interested, contact Morgan Parker – QMG Foundation 217.222.6550 ext. 6436 或电子邮件 mparker@quincymedgroup.com.


地平线汤厨房和食品储藏室需要志愿者帮助日常准备工作, 服务, 送餐服务. 一个月一次或两次,你一个小时的时间将对有需要的社区产生很大的影响. 呼叫地平线 217.224.5530.


你是否正在寻找一种有意义的方式来为你的社区做贡献,而不会让你的日程排得满满的? Join us as an Adult Literacy Tutor! 每周只要1-2个小时, 你可以通过帮助成年人提高他们的基本识字能力来产生重大影响, 数学, 或英语语言能力. Meet with learners near you or online. We provide the necessary training, 资源, and materials; no prior teaching experience is required. We value your time and understand your busy lifestyle. We offer flexible volunteer hours to suit your availability. To apply or ask questions contact Tina Jett, Coordinator of Literacy at cjett@tsywd.com 或者通过呼叫 217.641.4153.

新闻 & 的观点

每个月的最后一个星期二,发请帖志愿者聚集在昆西老年人和家庭资源中心,准备中西部伊利诺斯地区老龄化机构的新闻 & 邮寄意见书. 该通讯被邮寄到WCIAAA服务的六个县地区的5000户家庭. 有兴趣帮忙? 给 the 发请帖 Office a phone call at 217.641.4961. Physical distancing is arranged – face masks should be worn.


友好的调用者 is a volunteer opportunity that can be done from your home. 志愿者将给那些要求支持/倾听/社交电话或安全和健康电话的人打电话. Depending on your availability and interest, you may call once or twice a week – or you might call five days a week. Volunteers will receive training. This program is designed to help address social isolation and loneliness. Volunteers will be matched with an individual to call. 联系Barb Casady 217.641.4960 了解更多信息.


需要志愿接待. Duties include greeting and helping visitors, collecting admissions for tours and handling souvenir sales. A full orientation program is provided. They are flexible, so volunteers can work whenever they are available. 有兴趣的请致电 217.224.6922 or 217.224.3688.


你能每月抽出一小时送餐上门吗? 这不仅是一个了解社区的好方法,也是帮助那些需要帮助的人的切实途径. 你可能想鼓励一个朋友一起去——一个人开车,另一个人送货——团队合作! 如果你不能交付,请在你的教会或其他组织提及这个需求. The process for delivering MOW is designed so that volunteers stay safe. 呼叫 217-223-7904 了解更多信息 or to volunteer.

Carry-Out Caravan—Grocery Shopping Program

Join a great group of volunteers who take grocery orders, 填写杂货订单, 和/或配送杂货订单! 这是一个发请帖项目,帮助那些不能自己购物的老年人在家里呆更长时间. 每周一早上8点到下午12点,有一名志愿者通过电话接单. Volunteer shoppers meet on Tuesdays around 7:30 AM and finish by about 10:00 AM. These volunteers are given a shopping list, 装满购物车, and then take the cart through the checkout register. 如果有兴趣,志愿者也可以把食品送到那些订购的人家里. If you can’t be there every Tuesday, don’t let that stop you—if you are available one or two Tuesday mornings a month, 我们可以用你的好工作! For more information, please call the 发请帖 office at 217.641.4961 或电子邮件 nzulauf@tsywd.com.


这个组织试图填补一个孩子每月需要的尿布数量和一个家庭可以负担得起的尿布数量之间的“差距”. 它正在努力通过向有需要的家庭提供尿布来消除我们社区的这一“差距”. 如果你想帮忙包装尿布,请联系安妮塔·汉克 573-231-6202 or ahanke@co.adams.il.us for wrapping times, dates, and location.


志愿者必须每天接受检测,并同意佩戴口罩/面罩和护目镜, 比如护目镜, when on the units and/or around residents.

  • 志愿者需要在周三陪同居民前往伊利诺伊州退伍军人之家的治疗大楼进行预约. The volunteers must be able to push wheelchairs and walk to various units. 时间取决于预约时间和志愿者陪同的居民人数.
  • 每周二下午1时至3时,欢迎角需要义工协助接受衣物捐赠, assisting residents with clothing needs, and labeling items to be sent to the laundry. Requirements include being able to lift boxes full of clothes and to push carts.

联系莎拉·科尔格罗夫,电话是 217.640.2260 or 莎拉.colgrove@illinois.政府 了解更多信息.


昆西社区剧院能够提供和延续高质量的戏剧娱乐和教育 因为 of the participation of our volunteers.  我们珍惜并感谢志愿者们与QCT分享的时间和才华, and we would like to invite you to be a part of our family of volunteers.  A few of our opportunities include:

  • 组织的服装
  • 分发演出海报
  • 扫描票
  • 检查审核员
  • 绘画
  • 制作
  • 引导

不需要经验.  如果你有兴趣分享快乐,请联络义工协调员艾利森·谢弗(艾莉森.shafer@1 qct.org or 217.222.3209)或浏览我们的网页(1 qct.org).



Volunteers are badly needed to hang clothing and other items. You may work hours that suit your needs. 联系旧货店,地址是 217.773.3888.


Volunteers are needed to set up on Thursday and distribute food on Friday. It is held the third Friday of each month at the Old Versailles School Gym. 请拨打217与Doris联系.773.3773.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace and Quilts of Valor

Both these organizations need volunteers who love to sew. 联系 Kathy at the 发请帖 office at 217.641.4146.

在山的回复办公室. 英镑

我们正在收集干净的塑料袋,为无家可归的人做睡袋的垫子. 我们有女士把它们切成条,滚成球,然后钩针或编织成垫子. This helps to keep the sleeping bags dry. 你可以把他们带到山上. 英镑 office any day from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM.


志愿者们想要清理,帮助设置展示,并对借来或捐赠的物品进行分类. They have work days/nights each month. They are also seeking someone to take video interviews of veterans. 联系Richard Michel: 217.248.2094 或者鲍勃·诺里斯 217.491.5146.

派克县 Military Heritage Museum “Where history comes alive.”

位于北纬340度. 伊利诺斯州圣. 在皮茨菲尔德. 这组志愿者为学校和民间组织做生活史演讲. 他们使用从独立战争时期到现在的服装和装备. Looking for anyone interested in participating in living history events, 研究军用车辆, 或者向学校或民间组织介绍第一手或二手的军事故事. 请联系丹尼·多德 217.242.1706杰夫·斯奈德 573.406.2510理查德·斯蒂克曼 217.248.1856.


Volunteers and food donations needed. Volunteers should show up on Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. 或者周五早上8点半开始.m. to Noon and you will be given a task. On the second Monday of every month, they could use men to help unload a trailer around 12:30 or 1:00. 请与凯西·杨联系 217.257.0004 有问题吗?.

东区卫生 & 康复中心

Volunteers wanted to assist with weekly BINGO on Mondays and Thursdays at 2pm. 他们也愿意帮助每月为居民举行的生日聚会. 联系 Gabby Buffington, activity director, at 217.285.4491 to volunteer or 了解更多信息.


Seeking volunteers to visit with residents, play games, and/or provide music. 联系 Lori Bradshaw 有问题吗? at 217.833.2369.


Seeking volunteers for the following roles:

  • Runner—escort patients to departments
  • 事件的援助
  • Outdoor Landscaping/Beautification/Clean Up
  • 食品分发处
  • 浇灌/照料室内植物
  • Hostess in waiting room on MRI and Ortho days
  • Cleaning (high touch surfaces at hospital & 健身)
  • Make blankets for Oncology dept.

要成为伊利诺伊大学的志愿者,在成为志愿者之前有一些要求. If interested, please contact Shelly Martin at 217.285.2113 ext. 3800.


寻找志愿者为所有类型的活动,以及宾果各种奖品(没有玻璃物品), 请). Suggestions are costume jewelry, 女性和男性的身体喷雾, 洗发水, 护发素, 乳液, 单词搜索, 适合所有年龄的书籍, 笔记本电脑, 工艺供应. 请给Melissa Sevier打电话 217.285.5200.


Volunteers are needed to deliver Meals on Wheels. They also need someone to deliver homebound frozen meals, weekly. 康妮·莱奇,217号.285.6150 will have more information.